The European Commission’s Directorate General for the Environment, and the Bulgarian Ministry of Environment and Water will hold the 21st European Forum on Eco-innovation on 5-6 February 2018. The forum brings together companies and public authorities to examine eco-innovative solutions for improving air quality.
At the 21st European Forum on Eco-innovation, innovators will present technologies, business models and governance plans to raise air quality to new standards. The two-day programme includes conference presentations on the impact of energy, transport and agriculture on air-quality. It will include presentations from 9 LIFE projects active in the field, namely LIFE ‘N GRAB HY!, LIFE – CLEAN HEAT, Malopolska Region, LIFE BrennerLEC, PREPAIR, LIFE GySTRA, LIFE ASPIRE, LIFE_SC, IMPROVE LIFE (Ref. Life Progamme website/events)